
Expanded Clayballs / Hydrotons (LECA) non-Floating


  • Clay pebbles are also known as expanded clay pebbles or hydroton.
  • Made from 100% natural clay
  • Used in hydroponics, aquaponics, indoor gardening, aquariums
  • Highly stable to both varying pH and EC
  • Size range – 2mm to 8mm | 8mm to 15mm | 15mm to 22mm
  • 1KG = 1.4 to 2 Liters
  • Quantity – 1 kg | 5 kg | 13 kg | 26 kg
  • Country of Origin : India
SKU: WE-MEDA-NFCLY Categories: , Tag:


Small Clay best suited for garden mulch, decor and ebb and flow Hydroponics system. These balls sink so best suited for ebb & flow and DWC Hydroponics. Being colorful and aesthetically good they also suits to cover soil in home gardening and soil pots.

Expanded clay pebbles or LECA resemble oddly shaped, semi-rounded pieces of clay-colored popcorn. The high-heat popping during the manufacturing process gives the medium its large, airy macro-pores (spaces between each piece of expanded clay), in addition to its micro-pores, which are contained within each piece of expanded clay.

Horticultural clay pebbles are made from 100% natural clay. They are clean, pH stable, and offer great aeration and drainage in hydroponics, especially in flood and drain, deep water culture, and drip feed systems. Due to their unique structure and ability to cover a large surface area, they offer the ideal environment to foster beneficial bacterial growth around the root zone, leading to naturally healthier plants.
Drain freely and do not hold any excess water, providing good oxygen levels around the root; suitable for flood and drain systems, multi-pot and drip feed systems.

Size weight to volumn
2-8mm 1 KG = 1.6 liters
8-15mm 1 KG = 2 liters
15-22mm 1 KG = 1.4 liters

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 30 × 23 × 13 cm

1 kg, 5 kg, 13 kg, 25 kg, 26 kg


2mm to 8mm, 8mm to 15mm, 15mm to 22mm